NICHE: Education and E-learning


Qualification Edge is a company that helps care workers get a diploma through

RPL ( Recognition of Prior Learning)

Challenges Faced

Qualification Edge grappled with several challenges before partnering with Lead Assassin:

  • Here's Despite their in-house lead generation efforts, they experienced almost zero responses every single month.

  • Qualification Edge’s lead generation practices lacked the necessary technical finesse. They struggled with issues like subdomain usage, configuration of technical settings, and sending emails to invalid addresses, which resulted in a high bounce rate

  • The email messaging employed by Qualification Edge sounded spammy, which hindered their ability to engage potential leads effectively.some stuff

What We Did

  • We correctly configured technical settings, ensuring the smooth operation of the lead generation system.

  • We revamped their email copy, creating a more subtle, relaxed, and appealing messaging approach with an irresistible offer.

  • We established a lead generation system with five email accounts, each sending an average of 100 emails daily.

  • We took charge of building a list of potential leads suitable for the program. Using advanced software and manual vetting, we curated this list.

  • We assumed full management of the entire lead generation system, streamlining the process for Qualification Edge.

Results and Highlights

In almost 2 months of outreach, we’re able to generate the following results:

Some Examples:

We dispatched over 10.2 thousand emails, garnering an impressive 53.3% open rate.

Although the response rate stood at 1%, it’s worth noting that a remarkable 90% of these responses were positive.

Most importantly, we managed to generate more than 65 leads who expressed genuine interest in enrolling in courses offered by Qualification Edge.

Here are some sample responses from our cold email outreach:

According to the client, some of the leads we generated have been converted into sales helping them increase their MRR by 30%.


In summary, the collaboration between Qualification Edge and Lead Assassin proved highly effective in tackling their lead generation hurdles.

With the implementation of targeted lead generation campaigns, Lead Assassin successfully pinpointed and engaged their prospective customers. The tangible outcome was a substantial surge in the volume of generated leads, underscoring the success of this partnership.

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